
Images: Logo

NCAM is a student organization that promotes healthy living and maintenance through education on nutrition, complementary, alternative and integrative medicine at UCLA.

Our Philosophy:
The Nutrition, Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCAM) student group at UCLA is founded upon the belief that awareness and understanding of integrative medicine and health is essential to building a healthier and more prosperous society. NCAM is focused on the exploration of topics in nutrition, complementary and alternative medicine, and other related areas. Our purpose is to spread awareness and understanding of these topics, including their basic concepts, applications, and research-based evidence. We expose students to different concepts and ideologies in medicine and healthy living in an interactive environment. We strive to build a community of students interested in these topics and to connect that community with networks of professionals in the field of nutrition, wellness, health education, and medicine.

Our Goals:
1. Explore areas of interest in nutrition, complementary & alternative medicine (CAM), integrative medicine (IM), and wellness
2. Provide and foster a community for students who are interested in nutrition, CAM, IM, and wellness
3. Offer a forum to share, discuss, and explore experiences in nutrition, CAM, IM, and wellness
4. Invite professionals from different areas of nutrition, CAM, IM, and wellness to share their expertise and experiences
5. Spread awareness and understanding of the different concepts, evidence-based research, and cultural perspectives in health and wellness
6. Promote and share ways to maintain wellness and health
7. Help students hone their skills in leadership, teamwork, event planning, interviewing, and more
8. Introduce educational, research, clinical, and career opportunities in the fields of nutrition, CAM, IM, and wellness
9. Provide students opportunities to interact with experts and professionals in the fields of nutrition, CAM, IM, and wellness
10. Ensure our members are exploring, learning and involved in an interactive environment

Our Constitution:
Constitution as of September 2010

Our People:
Executive Board & Interns: 2011-2012 2010-2011 | 2009-2010 | 2008-2009 | 2007-2008
RIHM Awareness Project: 2010-2011 | 2009-2010 | 2008-2009
Stress Management Project: 2010-2011 | 2009-2010 | 2008-2009
NCAM Professional Networking Committee: 2010-2011
NCAM Nutrition Committee: 2010-2011

Contact Us:
NCAM: NutritionCAM@gmail.com

Committees: [Section Under Construction Please Return Later]
NCAM Nutrition Committee:  NCAM.nutrition@gmail.com (2009 – )
Research in Integrative Health & Medicine Awareness Project: RIHMAwarenessProject@gmail.com
Stress Management Project: NCAM.stressmanagement@gmail.com 
NCAM Professional Networking Committee: NCAM.networking@gmail.com

Have a question about NCAM?  Check out our FAQs or send us and email.

Prevention of disease and illness at a global scale is the most effective means of managing healthcare costs because common maladies can be avoided through small positive changes in diet and exercise. NCAM’s programs are designed to promote and assist with this philosophy through health education, application, and reinforcement. In the event that illness does occur, natural and more affordable alternatives are favored over conventional non-holistic drugs. To change negative public opinion towards alternative medicine, our workshops must allow students to experience and understand the diverse practices in greater detail. In the end, we can only hope that students apply their knowledge in order to live long and thrive.